"The paintings vary from the intimate in scale, suitable for a domestic environment, to large formats which suit more expansive interior settings such as loft accommodation or commercial/business environments.
Colour is my primary medium of expression. I have a strong understanding that pigment and colour is the product of light reflected from a surface. This being so I strive to create images which radiate out from the canvas almost like a light shining outwards from an open window. I also strongly believe that colour can directly affect mood and I endeavour to provoke a strong emotional but sympathetic response from the viewer.
My paintings are not intended to sink shyly into the background but are positive authoritative statements. My pictorial work is vibrant and intense. Although the paintings are clearly abstract in appearance they have strong resonance with landscape, biomorphic forms and atmospheres. The paintings make dynamic statements and are particularly suited to interiors that require a keynote image to help enhance and give character to a room."
These are quotes from his website which pretty much sum up the reasons for why I chose his work. I think they consist of a beautiful combination of colours and forms and are very striking. They successfully brighten up a room, therefore PERFECT for a grubby underground.
Deb Haugen: " I’ve always been more comfortable outside than in, I just prefer nature to walls. As a child my Mom had to drag me inside every night. I lived just up the hill from a wonderful swamp, I know my fascination was born there in that magical swamp. Currently I have very strong beliefs in helping our environment, and concerns for the future of our planet.
I wanted to capture on canvas the feel of hiking the trails, or exploring the creek. I wanted to convey my response to nature, something that had a truly innate natural look and feel to it. To take it a step further, I wanted to show the fundamentals of nature that we see daily, that are so strikingly familiar to us, and their relationship to time.
Organic art is and always has been a part of our ever changing planet. I hope you enjoy my art, it is my joy in life to paint!"
Christina Adam - I have chosen this work because it caught my eye immediately; although it doesn't blatantly suggest nature, it does have an organic element to it.
"In my recent work the experimental space of the painting forms a web of white shapes, layers, raw red colours and proposes an oscillation between the anthropomorphic and the gestural abstraction. In these paintings colour is often used to reveal an anatomical context connecting the existence of an organic painting with the existence of an organic body that is partially visible."
These are photos of when i begun making my model. I used pieces of card which aren't too difficult to cut and stick together well. To make the rounded pieces I wet them first then fixed them into the ridges of wood and left them to naturally dry into their shape, as you can see above.